Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Research and Planning Targets

Some very good analysis here Tobi - you're more than capable of evidencing A grade work consistently if you push yourself. Make sure you are evidencing every stage of the planning stage - and add some more research and analysis of trailers yourself to improve your marks.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Possible Locations Research

Wisley Airfield

Wisley airfield is an old, abandoned airstrip just off of the A3. We have chosen it as a possible location primarily because of the overgrown and empty feeling around it, since it was abandoned, there has been no real upkeep of the site, therefore weeds grow through the tarmac and much of the old pavement is cracked and ruined. It has a very good post apocalyptic look due to it's state of abandonment and emptiness, however we don't intend to have many action scenes in this area because it is somewhat unrealistic to have more than one group or person, also the lack of any real hiding places restricts any element of surprise or suspense as any enemy would be easily seen. We may just use location for a couple of scenes to portray the emptiness and barren world our characters now reside in.
Camera shot types
In the extreme wide shot, the view is so far from the subject that s/he isn't even visible. The point of this shot is to show the subject's surroundings.
The EWS is often used as an "establishing shot" - the first shot of a new scene, designed to show the audience where the action is taking place.
It is also useful in scenes where the action is very spread out. For example, in a war movie an extreme wide shot can show the scale of the action.

Very Wide ShotThe very wide shot is much closer to the subject than an extreme wide shot, but still much further away than a wide shot. The subject is visible here but only just (in this case it's a boy leaning against the fence). The emphasis is very much on placing him in his environment.
This often works as an establishing shot, in which the audience is shown the whole setting so they can orient themselves.

In the wide shot, the subject takes up the full frame. Obviously the subject doesn't take up the whole width and height of the frame, since this is as close as we can get without losing any part of it. The small amount of room above and below the subject can be thought of as safety room — you don't want to be cutting the top of the building off. It would also look uncomfortable if the top and bottom of the building were exactly at the top and bottom of frame.

The mid shot shows some part of the subject in more detail, whilst still showing enough for the audience to feel as if they were looking at the whole subject. In fact, this is an approximation of how you would see a person "in the flesh" if you were having a casual conversation. You wouldn't be paying any attention to their lower body, so that part of the picture is unnecessary.
The MS is appropriate when the subject is speaking without too much emotion or intense concentration. It also works well when the intent is to deliver information, which is why it is frequently used by television news presenters. You will often see a story begin with a MS of the reporter (providing information), followed by closer shots of interview subjects (providing reactions and emotion).

In the closeup shot, a certain feature or part of the subject takes up most of the frame. A close up of a person usually means a close up of their face (unless specified otherwise).
Close-ups are obviously useful for showing detail and can also be used as a cut-in.
A close-up of a person emphasizes their emotional state. Whereas a mid-shot or wide-shot is more appropriate for delivering facts and general information, a close-up exaggerates facial expressions which convey emotion. The viewer is drawn into the subject's personal space and shares their feelings.
                                                        A variation is the chocker shot which is typically framed on                                                            the subject's face from above the eyebrows to below the mouth.

The ECU (also known as XCU) gets right in and shows extreme detail.
You would normally need a specific reason to get this close. It is too close to show general reactions or emotion except in very dramatic scenes.

A cut in shot, ,like a cutaway, but specifically refers to showing some part of the subject in detail.
Can be used purely as an edit point, or to emphasise emotion etc. For example, hand movements can show enthusiasm, agitation, nervousness, etc

CutawayA cutaway is a shot that's usually of something other than the current action. It could be a different subject (eg. this cat when the main subject is its owner), a close up of a different part of the subject (eg. the subject's hands), or just about anything else.
The cutaway is used as a "buffer" between shots (to help the editing process), or to add interest/information.

two-shotA two-shot- There are a few variations on this one, but the basic idea is to have a comfortable shot of two people. Often used in interviews, or when two presenters are hosting a show.
A "One-Shot" could be a mid-shot of either of these subjects. A "Three-Shot", unsurprisingly, contains three people.
Two-shots are good for establishing a relationship between subjects. If you see two sports presenters standing side by side facing the camera, you get the idea that these people are going to be the show's co-hosts. As they have equal prominence in the frame, the implication is that they will provide equal input. Of course this doesn't always apply, for example, there are many instances in which it's obvious one of the people is a presenter and the other is a guest. In any case, the two-shot is a natural way to introduce two people.
A two-shot could also involve movement or action. It is a good way to follow the interaction between two people without getting distracted by their surroundings.

over-the-shoulder shotOver the shoulder shot is a shot is framed from behind a person who is looking at the subject. The person facing the subject should usually occupy about 1/3 of the frame.
This shot helps to establish the position of each person, and get the feel of looking at one person from the other's point of view.
It's common to cut between these shots during a conversation, alternating the view between the different speakers.

one-shotCommon in interviews, this is a shot of the person listening and reacting to the subject. In fact, when shooting interviews with one camera, the usual routine is to shoot the subject (using OSS and one-shots) for the entire interview, then shoot some noddies of the interviewer once the interview is finished. The noddies are edited into the interview later.

point of view (POV)This shot shows a view from the subject's perspective. It is usually edited in such a way that it is obvious whose POV it is (see the example below).

weather shotIn this type of shot the subject is the weather. The sky takes up at least 2/3 of the frame. This type of shot is common in television programs where the weather is of particular interest, e.g. sports shows.
Although the usual purpose of this shot is to show the weather, it is also useful as an establishing shot, for setting the general mood or for overlaying graphics.
A weather shot doesn't have to show the sky.

Muzzle Flare Tutorial

This tutorial may come in useful depending on whether we decide to use guns or not. As if we did adding muzzle flare would be a necesity or the shots wouldnt look realistic at all, which would help us make our film more realistic.

Horror Genre Mood Board

Top 5 Zombie Films

With the release of Resident Evil and the new series of the walking dead zombies are once again the biggest trend in popular horror. Check out our Top 5.

Dawn of the Dead | Best Zombie Movie 5
5. Dawn of the Dead (Remake)
This thrilling, action-packed and truly scary zombie film catapulted George A. Romero’s film into a modern day scream-fest. The famous scenes that took place in a deserted shopping mall are given a new twist, which to this day remains unique to this film – a pregnant zombie (well, we can’t think of any others, can you?). If the original never scared you, we strongly recommend that you watch the Dawn of the Dead remake.

Zombieland | Best Zombie Movie 5
4. Zombieland
Zombieland is one film you can’t afford to miss. A nerdy college boy sets off onto the road to Ohio in search for his family with Twinkie obsessed and gun mad Woody Harrelson. Their adventure takes them to Bill Murray’s house and eventually, to the playground of zombies that is the theme park. Although this scene is late on into the film, it’s most certainly worth the wait.

28 Days Later | Best Zombie Movie 5
When 28 Days Later arrived to our screens, it set a new standard for up and coming zombie films. This post-apocalyptic film ensured that the undead will always remain at the top of the most terrifying monster list, and with its modern twist – making the flesh eaters fast, everyone remained at the edge of their seats.

Dead Alive Braindead | Best Zombie Movie 5
2. Dead Alive/Braindead
Before the days of The Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson liked to dabble in horror films, and his Dead Alive or Braindead has become a popular cult classic. One of the goriest zombie films ever made, Dead Alive has been banned in several countries for its graphic scenes. However, many would say that because the gore is so over the top it is more of a comedy than a horror. Nevertheless, there is a reason why this film is number two on our list.

Night of the Living Dead | Best Zombie Movie 5
1. Night of the Living Dead
Romero’s debut into the realm of zombies, Night of the Living Dead is a classic that can never be taken off any top zombie film list. Barbara and Johnny visit a small Pennsylvania town, but their adventure turns into the deadliest trip they have ever taken as Johnny is killed by a flesh eating zombie.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Codes and conventions of Comedy films

The comedy film genre belongs to the groups of films that evoke laughter/humor from the audience. 'Comedy' is the most important category in cinema, present in every national film culture and dominant in many. But much of the time comedy is enjoyed by audiences as an element across many films rather than as a distinct genre.

Comedy films fall into two main sub-groupings: a) the comedian-led film, structured through gags and sketches; and b) the comedy situation film with a more coherent narrative. These two groups can sometimes overlap and indeed the 'pure' comedy film of any kind is a fairly rare animal. Most so-called comedy films are in reality hybrids, 'comedy hyphenates' such as comedy-horror, comedy-thriller, comedy-musical etc.

In contemporary cinema, critics and theorists have been mostly concerned with defining specific hybrids, which draw on the broader repertoire of 'comedy elements' in easily recognizable ways:

'teen comedy' - often set in high school and involving adolescent sexual adventure and conflicts with authority;

'romantic comedy' - a popular hybrid, targeted at women and couples, especially in the 25-35 age group;

'social comedy' - 'situational comedies' drawing on class conflict and social realism, a feature of British cinema;

'gross-out comedy' - a currently successful cycle which may involve any of the above, but pushed more towards outrageous gags.

Theoretical work has focused on particular forms such as 'screwball comedy', the first great cycle of which appeared in the 1930s and 1940s with performers such as Carole Lombard, Barbara Stanwyck and Katherine Hepburn. The subversive nature of this cycle and its structural similarity to horror are just two of its critical attractions.

In a comedy film, audiences respond to two different comedy elements:

The Gag - visual, aural, verbal jokes, carefully timed and delivered for maximum impact;

Comic situation - 'narrative comedy' in which it is the developing relationships between characters and the social environment that causes us to laugh.

These two elements make a volatile combination since the performance of gags is often highly disruptive of the progression of the narrative. In most comedy films there is a tension between the gag and the narrative situation and between the comedian and the comic actor.

The pedagogic problem with comedy seems to be that it is very difficult to pin down. As well as the tension between the gag and the narrative, there is a further set of categorizations which refer to the purposes of comedy and, linked to this, the status of the comedy form. I've called these 'types' of comedy, but I'm sure there is a better term.

Here are four distinct types:

Slapstick is 'visual and vulgar'. It is in one sense primitive and universal, relying on our almost instinctive reaction to characters assailed by danger, pain etc. At the same time it requires great timing and all round performance skills. And in the form of the traditional cinema cartoon it can become a highly sophisticated exploration of human behavior (think Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote).

Observational comedy is gentler and more subtle and presents everyday life as quirky with unusual behavior in a realist context. Parody mocks existing forms, requiring audiences to have specific knowledge of media texts, although in its current incarnation as the 'spoof', this knowledge could be limited to what is available on mainstream television.

Satire is comedy used to make political and social commentary. This requires analysis of the whole social context, implying an educated audience. These different types can be mixed together. (Monty Python's Life of Brian arguably displays elements of all the types.)

Codes and Conventions of Comedy

1. Film Language
The secret of comedy is timing and performance. A person could analyse routines, gags etc. and see how they are used within a narrative feature. It would be interesting to compare a visual gag with a classic suspense sequence. Both involve a careful playoff between what we know as the audience and the awareness displayed by the character. Our pleasure comes from the gleeful anticipation of the humiliation of the comic character or our fear for the hero.

2. Representation

Possibly the most productive approach, analysis of character 'types' and situations should open up comedy films for student analysis. Comedy, like drama, depends on conflicts, in particular between weak and strong characters. Much comedy arises from the success of the weak in deflating the powerful. On the other hand, comedy is also a weapon against fear of the unknown or 'the Other', so that the basis for comedy becomes racism, sexism etc.

3. Audience

The advantage of comedy to producers is that it appeals across all audience groups. However, there are distinct differences in audiences for certain types of comedy. In the UK these are often class differences and age differences. The distinctions were particularly strong in earlier periods when genre production was still possible in British Cinema - e.g. the 1950s with Norman Wisdom (working class) v. the Doctor series (middle class).

4 Institutions

Comedy films may be quite good for studying institution. Historically, various cycles of films can be traced back to their origins in other forms such as music hall, radio and television and in the last twenty years, from club 'stand-up'.

Film Institutions - The Big Six

These are the six biggest film institutions. Film institutions are very important as they provide the money, allowing the film to happen, without them no company would have anywhere near enough money to create a decent, successful film. The companies also own studios allowing the film to be filmed inside when needed. The only downside to film institutions funding a film is that they like to have complete control over what happens on the project, meaning it won’t always end up how you originally planned it too, However without these institutions films wouldn’t be the same.
Warner Bros studios were founded in 1903. It was formed by four brothers called the Warner brothers, and was one of the first companies to make movies with dialogue in it. They also famously started the original 'Looney Tunes', as well as many more successful cartoons. Warner Bros have a very wide range of films. They tend to make high budget movies, to make a lot of money, and their films are shown around the world. Their films appeal to a very wide range of audience as they make films from many different genres. Previous Warner Bros films include: 'Harry Potter', 'The Departed', 'The Dark Knight', 'Slumdog Millionaire', 'P.S. I Love You', 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', 'Troy', 'Blade Runner'.

Paramount Studios was founded in 1916 and is one of the oldest film institutions. Steven Spielberg is a major partner with Paramount as he is one of the leading film directors in Hollywood and this is a major contributor to Paramount’s success as he has many fans and followers who will watch anything he puts out, making most of his films instant money makers. Paramount are ranked as one of the highest-grossing film studios in the world. As with Warner Bros, they make a very wide range of films which targets many different audiences with each film.

Paramount films include: 'Titanic', 'Transformers' 'Indiana Jones', 'Iron Man', 'Forrest Gump', 'War of the Worlds', 'Mission Impossible', 'Shutter Island', 'Paranormal Activity'.

Sony Pictures is another of the film studios in 'the big six'. Although you wouldn't think that Sony would be in the big six it does own Columbia Pictures, which is a much better known company. Another slightly less well known, but still widely appreciated company that they own is Tristar Pictures. As Sony is primarily associated with gaming and electronics their film side isn't as well known. Most of their money comes from the fact that they are already such a big company so people have heard of them so will trust in them. They also do a lot of advertising for their films through their other products (such as the PS3 gaming console). Sony Pictures films include: 'Spiderman', 'Men in Black', 'Gladiator', 'The Da Vinci Code', 'Quantum of Solace', 'Hancock', 'The Pursuit of Happiness', 'The Adventures of Tintin, 'The Social Network', 'Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star'.
Universal pictures is another major film institution.
They have large theme parks around America which help promote their business, helping them make more money. Universal, like many over film institutions, make a large range of film genres to target a large market of people. They are another company that go hand in hand with Warner Bros and Paramount as they are all in it more for the money than for the art form of making films itself. However they don't disappoint bringing out big budget films that have been highly successful and have made many films that are seen to be classics for example 'E.T' and 'Jaws'.Universal films include: 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy', 'E.T', 'Bourne Identity', 'Despicable Me', 'Back to the Future', 'A Beautiful Mind', 'American Graffiti', 'Love Actually', 'Bruce Almighty', 'Jaws', 'American Gangster', 'Mamma Mia!', 'Jurassic Park', 'King Kong', 'Meet the Fockers', 'The Mummy'.

Walt Disney Pictures is probably the most famous film institution, mainly because most people grow up watching most of their films and TV shows. Disney are famous for their traditional family movies and cartoons but recently have made more action films for example 'Tron' and 'Pirates of the Caribbean' to reach out to a larger target audience by doing something a bit more appealing to teens and adults. They also own a large number of institutions: Touchstone Pictures, Pixar, Marvel, and most recently Lucasfilm. Pixar are seen as one of the best film institutions in the world, as they consistently make excellent films. Their films are enjoyable for both children and their parents, making them a real money maker. Pixar and Marvel both stray from producing a large number of films, opting instead for taking their time with each one and increasing the quality of the films. The quality of the films aren't as high as Marvel , but are more 'fun'. This is what makes for millions of fans as everyone is on edge waiting for them to bring out the next film. Through these companies Disney manages to get a huge amount of money, and it is a big factor in their recent success.
Disney films include: 'The Lion King', 'Toy Story 3', 'The Avengers', 'Pirates of the Carribean', 'Beauty and the Beast', 'High School Musical', 'Tangled', 'Thor', 'Finding Nemo', 'Hannah Montana', 'Bambi', 'The Princess and the Frog', 'Alladin', 'A Bug's Life' .

Finally 20th Century Fox is another very large film institution well known across the world. 20th Century Fox was one of the film institutions that started a little later compared to the other big companies. This institution is owned by a news corporation which also own the Fox television channel which helps in making them a lot of money. The TV channel has pumped out many shows that the world has loved for many years. They sometimes even make films from the TV shows they play on their channel for example 'The Simpsons Movie'. 20th Century Fox tend to make very high budget films and like many other institutions, make films for a wide range of genres. Many people criticize them and say that the company is nothing more then a logo where as other institutions have more to show for, like Universal with a theme park and Sony with its electronics. However 20th Century Fox are still a widely well known institution.
Famous 20th Century Fox films include: 'Avatar', 'Star Wars', 'Independence Day', 'Home Alone', 'X-Men', 'The Simpsons Movie', 'Ice Age', 'I, Robot', 'Marley and Me', 'Taken', 'Minority Report', 'Prometheus', 'Die Hard', 'Speed', 'Alien', 'Eragon', 'True Lies', 'Titanic', 'Moulin Rouge!', 'Road to Perdition', 'Night at the Museum', 'Austrailia'.

It seems that many of the large film institutions that started right at the beginning of film making are the most successful production companies in recent times. This makes sense as they have had the most time to evolve and grow to what they are now, as practise makes perfect.

Conventions for Horror Movies - Mindmap

Overview of Horror

Horror is a film genre seeking to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's primal fears. Horror films often feature scenes that startlethe viewer; the macabreand the supernaturalare frequent themes. Thus they may overlap with the fantasy,supernatural, and thrillergenres. Horror films often deal with the viewer's nightmares, hidden fears, revulsions and terrorof the unknown. Plots within the horror genre often involve the intrusion of anevil force, event, or personage, commonly of supernaturalorigin, into the everyday world. Prevalent elements include Ghosts, vampires,werewolves,demons,vicious animals, monsters, zombies, cannibals, and serial killers. Conversely, movies about the supernatural are not necessarily always horrific.
Women have become not only the main audience and fans of horror films but also the main protagonists of contemporary horror films. The horror industry is producing more and more movies with the main protagonist being a female and having to evolve into a stronger person in order to overcome some obstacle. This main theme has drawn a larger audience of women movie-goers to the theaters in modern times than ever historically recorded. Movie makers also go as far as to integrate women relatable topics such as pregnancy, motherhood, lesbian relationships, and babysitting jobs into their films in order to gain even more female oriented audiences.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Location Reseach

Campaign Paintball Site - Cobham.

One of the members in my group has a close fried who's parents own a paintballing site in Cobham called Campaign. We have already spoken to the boy, who's confirmed that his parents would be okay with us using a section of wasteland near the site. The wasteland is filled with mounds of dirt, derelict pieces of machinery such as tractors and diggers. The wasteland would also provide us with a empty, unused field of which we wouldn't be disturbed by members of the public, allowing us to get on with our filming. This patch of land fits in perfectly with our chosen genre, due to the fact that its already derelict, meaning we wouldn't need to make it look that way, saving us time and money as we wouldn't have to buy or make any props either.

Test Intro using Sony Vegas Pro 12

 This is a test intro i made for any edits i made at the skatepark. It was made in about an hour using Sony Vegas Pro 12. I followed a tutorial i found on youtube which used various layers and techniques to make it look as if the nebula background is moving, with almost a fuzzy look to it. The only problem is the colours i used, along with the overall look doesn't match the conventions of the idea me and my group has for our film. As were thinking of making our film kind of zombie based, a blue and green, space background isn't going to be acceptable for our intro. Due to the conventions of a thriller/action our intro will probably be darker due, using colours such as red and black.

Target audiences

Target audiences for the Action genres.

The action genre is mainly aimed at a Male audience, aged between 12 and 25, as the activities in action films tend to attract male viewers, and however most movies in that genre have a love interest, allowing females to relate to the viewing, providing another side of possible audience. Action/Adventure films also tend to attract families as well, as it brings people together because of the wide possible audience range, perfect for families of all ages.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Opening Scene Analysis - Titles

The opening titles of a film tell the audience the title of the film and is traditionally shown at the beginning. Normally the genre of the film will determine what colour scene/fonts are used, for example horror movies tend to have black backgrounds, and red fonts, as these colours link to horrors. The Fonts also tend to be quite sinister and dark, reflecting how the film will be.

The Bourne Legacy is an action packed spy film.
The titles of this film are in plain white block text, with each word being in a different level of boldness which makes it stand out more and gives it a sense of being more sophisticated. It is quite conventional of an action film to have plain white text. The black background of the title makes it stand out more. My group are doing an action film quite similar to The Bourne Legacy and we are probably going to use the same type of font as we want our film to seem as professional as possible.

The A-Team is a very well-known action film.
This title is from the most recent A-Team film
made in 2010, which is a remake starring Bradley Cooper, Liam Neeson and Sharlto Copley. They have used a silver colour with the font to make it look like it is metallic which connotes guns and bullets.
The bullet holes in the writing suggests to
the audience that that this film will have guns
and violence in it which is typical of an action film.
They have also chosen to use bold military
style font making it look tough and professional.
The black background makes the title stand out
and be more in your face preparing the audience
for what might come in the rest of the film.

The opening title of the Harry Potter film series look
like they are written in an old-style font, something
which looks like it would be in an old hand-written book which reflects the theme of the film
which is magic and mystery. The font is a dark, old looking silver and the background is dark clouds, much like you would see when it's raining which will make the audience think that there is going to be a lot more serious and evil parts to this film compared to the traditional Harry Potter title which is gold. The P in the title is shaped the same as the scar on Harry's forehead which is a major plot element in the film, linking the title with the film.
The detailed and the detailed and unique title
makes it very recognizable which makes for
a great marketing tool which helps promote and
sell the film.

The film Insidious is a horror film. They used red writing in their titles as it connotes blood and evil, however some romance films do choose to use red in their titles too, but the way in which the audience is able to distinguish between the two is the font and the background. The font used in this makes it look like there are devil horns suggesting that the film will have evil and religious aspects in it. Another thing done that adds a lot of effect is the shadows on the writing from what looks to be a fire which makes it look mysterious and evil. All these aspects of the title suggest to the audience that film will be a horror.

The Blair Witch Project in my opinion, is one of the best horror movies ever created, as its simplicity is what makes it so terrifying. The films opening scene is white writing on a black background, in a way this fits in perfectly with the film as it shows how amateur the filming and editing is going to be, it also gives us the impression that the film will be recored like a home movie. As a black and white font one of the most basic editing techniques, which most people can do, proving how amature the film is.
Rec is another horror film i have chosen to analyse, as most of the film is filmed how we would like to in our opening two minutes the self-filmed amateur editing kind of look. The opening scene shows the red dot, showing the camera is recording, of which we are going to try and incorporate into our film. With a white font splattered with blood suggesting that the film may contain some dark scenes within the movie. The way the title is laid out suggests to the viewer that the upcoming film will be hand held, almost relating to a home movie.

Monday, 22 September 2014

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty - Trailer

The trailer for what looks like what will be one of the finest, or at least most interesting, films of this year, is a stunningly realised piece of editing and marketing with an inspired soundtrack choice that works to elevate this trailer above most others. In the opening moments of the trailer for 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty', from lead actor and director Ben Stiller, we are shown the mundane life of the titular character - getting dressed and heading off to work - through some visually spectacular cinematography, a highlight being the shot of the workers climbing and leaving a set of stairs like ants spilling out of an ant hill. This stunningly beautiful approach to the depiction of ordinary life heightens the fantasy of the film, which is heightened even further when the audience witnesses some of Walter Mitty's dream sequences which include but are not limited to flying through windows and leaping out of helicopters into a stormy ocean. Not at single word is spoken in the trailer until the final scene, yet the plot is hinted at simply and effectively through the use of visuals, much like a silent movie, and within the first minute we are given an insight into Walter Mitty's outlook on life, his unrequited affection for a female colleague and his desire to live his wildest fantasies, the latter most poignantly being explained by the shot of Sean Penn's explorer character coming to life in a photo inviting Walter, and by proxy, the audience into the fantastical world of this film. We see consecutive shots of Walter picking up his coat and his briefcase ready to set of on his adventure, much like the audience will as the trailer kicks off into high gear with a flurry of breathtaking shots that showcase the scope and beauty of the picture.

One minute into the trailer we are given the release window of the film, 'This Christmas', suggesting that this film will be lighthearted and suitable for a wide audience. Movies released at Christmas time send to be family movies and while the trailer for this film gives the impression that it will certainly be full of hope and wonder it is also a film with adult themes. Of course, this is the time of year that studios use to release films that they expect will be critically acclaimed rather than simply commercially successful in the run up to the Awards season when they could potentially pick up a number of nominations or even wins. 'Walter Mitty; certainly looks like a film of Oscar-caliber and it is clear that the studio is confident by marketing what is clearly a complex film without 'dumbing it down' as such by treating the audience like idiots and giving them unnecessary exposition. The trailer, however, follows the familiar, tried and tested, structure of most of today's trailers, and climaxes with a brief gag scene in which Walter is presented with two options of rental car: a cold and uninviting blue, or red which evokes feelings of excitement or passion. He immediately goes with the second option - and so it seems the filmmakers, and editors of the trailer have done too.

The Big Six - Institutional Research

These are the six biggest film institutions. Film institutions are very important as they provide the money, allowing the film to happen, without them no company would have anywhere near enough money to create a decent, successful film. The companies also own studios allowing the film to be filmed inside when needed. The only downside to film institutions funding a film is that they like to have complete control over what happens on the project, meaning it won’t always end up how you originally planned it too, However without these institutions films wouldn’t be the same.
Warner Bros studios were founded in 1903. It was formed by four brothers called the Warner brothers, and was one of the first companies to make movies with dialogue in it. They also famously started the original 'Looney Tunes', as well as many more successful cartoons. Warner Bros have a very wide range of films. They tend to make high budget movies, to make a lot of money, and their films are shown around the world. Their films appeal to a very wide range of audience as they make films from many different genres. Previous Warner Bros films include: 'Harry Potter', 'The Departed', 'The Dark Knight', 'Slumdog Millionaire', 'P.S. I Love You', 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', 'Troy', 'Blade Runner'.

Paramount Studios was founded in 1916 and is one of the oldest film institutions. Steven Spielberg is a major partner with Paramount as he is one of the leading film directors in Hollywood and this is a major contributor to Paramount’s success as he has many fans and followers who will watch anything he puts out, making most of his films instant money makers. Paramount are ranked as one of the highest-grossing film studios in the world. As with Warner Bros, they make a very wide range of films which targets many different audiences with each film.

Paramount films include: 'Titanic', 'Transformers' 'Indiana Jones', 'Iron Man', 'Forrest Gump', 'War of the Worlds', 'Mission Impossible', 'Shutter Island', 'Paranormal Activity'.

Sony Pictures is another of the film studios in 'the big six'. Although you wouldn't think that Sony would be in the big six it does own Columbia Pictures, which is a much better known company. Another slightly less well known, but still widely appreciated company that they own is Tristar Pictures. As Sony is primarily associated with gaming and electronics their film side isn't as well known. Most of their money comes from the fact that they are already such a big company so people have heard of them so will trust in them. They also do a lot of advertising for their films through their other products (such as the PS3 gaming console). Sony Pictures films include: 'Spiderman', 'Men in Black', 'Gladiator', 'The Da Vinci Code', 'Quantum of Solace', 'Hancock', 'The Pursuit of Happiness', 'The Adventures of Tintin, 'The Social Network', 'Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star'.
Universal pictures is another major film institution.
They have large theme parks around America which help promote their business, helping them make more money. Universal, like many over film institutions, make a large range of film genres to target a large market of people. They are another company that go hand in hand with Warner Bros and Paramount as they are all in it more for the money than for the art form of making films itself. However they don't disappoint bringing out big budget films that have been highly successful and have made many films that are seen to be classics for example 'E.T' and 'Jaws'.Universal films include: 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy', 'E.T', 'Bourne Identity', 'Despicable Me', 'Back to the Future', 'A Beautiful Mind', 'American Graffiti', 'Love Actually', 'Bruce Almighty', 'Jaws', 'American Gangster', 'Mamma Mia!', 'Jurassic Park', 'King Kong', 'Meet the Fockers', 'The Mummy'.

Walt Disney Pictures is probably the most famous film institution, mainly because most people grow up watching most of their films and TV shows. Disney are famous for their traditional family movies and cartoons but recently have made more action films for example 'Tron' and 'Pirates of the Caribbean' to reach out to a larger target audience by doing something a bit more appealing to teens and adults. They also own a large number of institutions: Touchstone Pictures, Pixar, Marvel, and most recently Lucasfilm. Pixar are seen as one of the best film institutions in the world, as they consistently make excellent films. Their films are enjoyable for both children and their parents, making them a real money maker. Pixar and Marvel both stray from producing a large number of films, opting instead for taking their time with each one and increasing the quality of the films. The quality of the films aren't as high as Marvel , but are more 'fun'. This is what makes for millions of fans as everyone is on edge waiting for them to bring out the next film. Through these companies Disney manages to get a huge amount of money, and it is a big factor in their recent success.
Disney films include: 'The Lion King', 'Toy Story 3', 'The Avengers', 'Pirates of the Carribean', 'Beauty and the Beast', 'High School Musical', 'Tangled', 'Thor', 'Finding Nemo', 'Hannah Montana', 'Bambi', 'The Princess and the Frog', 'Alladin', 'A Bug's Life' .

Finally 20th Century Fox is another very large film institution well known across the world. 20th Century Fox was one of the film institutions that started a little later compared to the other big companies. This institution is owned by a news corporation which also own the Fox television channel which helps in making them a lot of money. The TV channel has pumped out many shows that the world has loved for many years. They sometimes even make films from the TV shows they play on their channel for example 'The Simpsons Movie'. 20th Century Fox tend to make very high budget films and like many other institutions, make films for a wide range of genres. Many people criticize them and say that the company is nothing more then a logo where as other institutions have more to show for, like Universal with a theme park and Sony with its electronics. However 20th Century Fox are still a widely well known institution.
Famous 20th Century Fox films include: 'Avatar', 'Star Wars', 'Independence Day', 'Home Alone', 'X-Men', 'The Simpsons Movie', 'Ice Age', 'I, Robot', 'Marley and Me', 'Taken', 'Minority Report', 'Prometheus', 'Die Hard', 'Speed', 'Alien', 'Eragon', 'True Lies', 'Titanic', 'Moulin Rouge!', 'Road to Perdition', 'Night at the Museum', 'Austrailia'.

It seems that many of the large film institutions that started right at the beginning of film making are the most successful production companies in recent times. This makes sense as they have had the most time to evolve and grow to what they are now, as practise makes perfect.

Codes And Conventions - Crime

The Crime Genre - Cliches & Conventions

Every genre has its cliches and convention which make it distinctly the genre which it aims to be. In this post I shall be assessing some of the cliches associated with the crime genre:

The Don
- Merciless
- Handy with a baseball bat.
- Tends to kill his friends for no particular reason eg: calling him a boy instead of a man.
- Either laid back yet dangerous, or just plain crazy...or a mixture.
- Strokes small pets such as kittens.
- Smokes a humungous cigarette.
- Italian-American.
- Inherited title.
- Calls his gang a family - in italics.
- Has a moral code, such as wont kill children.
- Is blessed with the coolest lines in cinema history: 'I'll give him an offer he can't refuse', 'Say hello to my little friend', 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'.

The Story
- Police as bad as gangsters.
- The rat.
- Undercover cop.
- Trilbies
- Cuban Cigars
- Comb overs.
- 'Hit's'
- Corrupt courtroom scenes.
- Corrupt doctor.
- Drugs.
- Voiceover.
- Experienced cop and young, eager cop.
- Inventive murder technique.
- Symbolic gestures such as horses heads in beds.
- Swear words.
- Catholic gangsters.
- Bank Robberies.
- Extravagant heists.
- Prison comforts.
- Ingenius torture methods.
- Awesome accents.
- Business in nightclubs
- Mysterious drug dealers
- The names 'Jimmy' and 'Tony'

Codes And Conventions - Horror

The Horror Genre - Cliches & Conventions

Every genre has its cliches and conventions which make it distinctly the genre which it aims to be. In this post I shall be assessing some of the cliches associated with the horror genre:

The Protagonist
- Teenagers - mainly girls.
- Daredevils/ rebels.
- Miraculously stupid.
- College drop-outs.
- Even more stupid boyfriends.
- Blonde.
-Talented screamers
- Druggies
- Alcoholics
- Had sex many times with many people.
- Party animals.
- Clumsy.
- Goes somewhere they were told not to, to prove how rebellious they are.

The Antagonist
- Ghosts
- Zombies
- Werewolves
- Creepy children
- Demonic possession
- Vampires (although they are now sneaking into the romance genre for some unfathomable reason)
- Lunatic with a chainsaw.
- Scientist with a crazy scheme
- Want vengeance.
- Have some sort of routine for their appearance
- Hold some sort of power over technology that disrupts phones and CCTV.

The Story
- Unresponsive bodies.
- Haunted houses.
- Haunted woods.
- Haunted graveyards.
- Haunted islands.
- Haunted lighthouses.
- Haunted towns.
- Haunted hotels with equally creepy workers.
- Shower murders
- Mysterious noises that must always be investigated.
- A window jump scene.
- A mirror jump scene (usually occurring after the protagonist has washed their face)
- Nightmares.
- Creaky doors.
- Creaky floorboards.
- Creaky stairs.
- Creaky rocking chairs
- Clowns.
- Dolls.
- Pictures with blurry faces.
- People coming out of pictures or TV's.
- Creepy, suspenseful music.
- Intense build-ups that lead to nothing...and then the jump comes.
- Gore.
- Splitting up or separating to investigate the danger.
- The old man who seems to know everything.
- The killer who walks in slow strides whilst the protagonist tries desperately to find a way out.
- The killer never fully dies.
- Minorities die first.
- Linen closet killing.
- Upping the stakes by a child being in danger.
- Old folk tales that are actually true.
- Thunderclap!
- Pathetic fallacy.
- Newspaper clippings of shocking events associated with the killers motives.
- Shadows.
- Chainsaws.
- Knives
- Unbelieving boyfriends, who believe only too late.
- Children communicating with the undead.
- Objects moving without visible force.
- Doors slamming - occasionally not opening again.
- Puddles of water that somehow link to the death.
- Crows cawing.
- Wolves howling.
- Dogs barking.
- Animals run away when they sense the danger.
- Lanterns.
- Candles blowing out.
- Chill wind preceding antagonist.
- The Psycho soundtrack.
- Nursery rhymes.
- Moving pictures.
- 'You are mine'

Codes And Conventions - Romance

The Romance Genre - Cliches & Conventions

Every genre has its cliches and conventions which make it distinctly the genre which it aims to be. In this post I shall be assessing some of the cliches associated with the romance genre:

The Guy
- The jock - He's sporty, good-looking, and the most popular guy in school.
- Or he's the unsure, shy guy at the back of class with a hidden talent.
- When the relationship goes sour, it's always his fault.
- Has a variety of cheesy lines at his disposal.
- Has a variety of cheesy dates at his disposal.
- Tends to run down the middle of busy roads, sometimes in the rain, to reach the love of his life.
- An excellent singer.

The Girl
- Unsure of herself.
- Has some sort of hidden talent.
- Protective father.
- Sassy best friend/ sardonic best friend/ quirky best friend.
- Has some form of sob story.
- Just wants to be appreciated.
- Slides down the wall whilst crying.
- Laughs and cries at the same time.
- Shots where her head falls into frame and lands on a pillow.
- Over emotional.

- Guy meets girl, they fall in love, there is a problem, they overcome the problem, they live happily ever after.
- Make-up kiss in bad weather.
- Makeover montage with friends saying whether the new outfit is good or bad.
- Shy girl becomes stunning beauty through a little make-up.
- Singing using random objects as microphones.
- Love montage - always including riding bikes, rowing boats or picnics
- Speech where the guy explains all the small things he loves about the girl.
- Meddlesome parents.
- A romantic set piece, where the guy does something insanely romantic for his girl.
- A particular picture of them both, that is related back to as the film goes on.
- A sex scene.
- Waking up the morning after to find the guy is gone, sometimes leaving a post-it note on the bed.
- Sad or happy ending...doesn't matter which - it's still a cliche.
- Inappropriate comment from an elderly person.
- Guy has a side kick who at one point thinks that the best friend is deserting him for the girl.
- Guy has a side kick who tries to explain to the girl why it is over.
- Guy has a fat, comedic side kick.
- Cheesy song in soundtrack.
- Constant, over-the-top, cheesy, orchestral soundtrack that crescendos at the kiss.

Codes And Conventions - Action

The Action Genre - Cliches & Conventions
Every genre has its cliches and conventions which make it distinctly the genre which it aims to be. In this post I shall be assessing some of the cliches associated with the action genre:

The Antagonist
- Physically weak antagonist with incredible mind.
- Owns a dangerous pet, such as a shark.
- Has a repertoire of several cliche lines such as: 'I've been expecting you', or tells the protagonist a long story about their childhood that somehow relates to the situation.
- A fan of inventive torture techniques.
- Gets captured by the protagonist and then escapes to the shocking realisation that 'he wanted to be caught'
- Is accompanied by physically strong bodyguard.
- Tortured childhood or past.
- Kills own men without a second thought over the smallest error.
- An expert of the double-cross.
- Has a mole in the government.
- Psychologically unhinged.

The Protagonist
- Haunted past.
- Orphan
- Has some sort of tutor, usually an old man.
- Half way through gives up and then finds a reason to carry on.
- Self surgery expert.
- Bursting muscles.
- Has a love-interest
- Is accompanied by a loveable side-kick
- Can work any type of vehicle, from helicopters to diggers...whatever's convenient
- An expert at improvised weaponry - particularly explosives

- Chase and fight sequences
- Torture scenes
- Sex scenes
- Slow motion explosives with the protagonist either walking away or getting blown away.
- Bomb diffusal seconds before detonation.
- Hacking into computers, to the elated cry of 'I'm in'
- 'Have you done the job?'
- 'You're going to wish you'd never been born'
- 'It's done'
- 'You really shouldn't have done that'
- 'Bond, James Bond'
- 'He wanted us to capture him!'
- 'Never'
- 'We meet again'

The Vow - Trailer

The Vow targeted the audience of a female audience aged 13+. This audience is met from the use of a love story that is deeply effecting and of course the use of Channing Tatum. The film needs to do more than to just look like it has a good story. It need to appeal to the eyes of many female audience members, and what better way to do that than to include an attractive male to play the lading man?
Channing Tatum has been in films featuring the action genre such as G.I. Joe and 21 Jump Street (With a side of comedy). Plus films that are purely designed to give the lady's something to look at like Magic Mike. Channing Tatum is a person who is going to be able to deliver a character that is going to both tug on the heart strings of his audience while giving them something pleasant to look at.
The trailer set up a happy atmosphere with the combination of light scenes, happy music and seeing the love relationship between two people. This gives the audience that beginning smile that is going to make them sit back, relax and to enjoy this love story. This then changes when you hear Channing Tatums voice come over the music telling the audience that moments are important for they have the power to change our lives, and that what would it be like if you could not remember any of them. This then ques for the equilibrium to be broken and the tradagy is to begin. This hit the audience as the happy music that has been playing is suddenly cut off by both the sight and sound of a truck hitting the car that Leo and Paige Collins are in. Adding even more drama to this sudden moment just happens to be at night, a time that we associate with danger.
We are shown the struggle that Leo is going to have to go through to try and get the love of his wife back. This emotional event plays with the heartstrings of it's audience as it allows the audience to think about what it would be like to be married to someone and for them to suddenly not know who you are. Also as a there would be people in a relationship/partnership in the audience it focuses on a subject that is close to the hearts of any of the audience members. Allowing it to take more of an emotional effect upon the audience.

Sherlock Holmes - Trailer

This trailer for the 2009 adaptation of Sherlock Holmes ticks many of the boxes in regards to what makes a successful trailer through it's mixture of fast paced editing and a careful balance of comedy and action. The film already had a fan base from when it was first conceived, as there were already many fans of the Sherlock Holmes books, and Sherlock Holmes is a household name. Immediately the audience would know the lead characters and the genre of the film. This is established in the first few seconds with the voice over of the antagonist asking to see Sherlock Holmes. Whilst the audio presents the lead character, the opening shot begins to offer the audience the new interpretation of the Sherlock Holmes stories. It seems to evoke a darker, more gritty interpretation, focusing on the dark areas of London, as opposed to the conventional, fun murder mystery that is often associated with the stories. It does first of all by fading into the opening shot from black, which makes the shot seem much darker and makes the shadows more prominent. The arch in the foreground is particularly dark, so it seems like the audience is looking into a particularly dark and threatening place. This establishes the setting of the whole film - through the threatening arch. Even the angels above the arch look threatening as they are wreathed in shadow and almost seem like angels of death. Meanwhile the voice over sounds very threatening and his voice is immediately associated with a deadly antagonist. The result of this combination is that the trailer opens with a very dark feel and the rest of the trailer plays out with this in mind.

At 0:12 seconds in the trailer starts to pick up the pace from the long, slow moving shots. There are two incredibly fast shots in a row, followed by a third longer shot, which are all in time with a distinct drumming sound. Although the shots don't add much to the plot or show much of the film, they are key in conveying the mood of the film and speeding up the action. The film at this point seems to be moving further away from the traditional idea of Sherlock Holmes and now seems more action-packed. This would appeal to a very wide audience; the older generations may watch it because it's a new Sherlock Holmes film whereas the younger generations may watch it for the action sequences. Appealing to both of these demographics is the comedy element. At the end of the trailer there is a punchline after the title has appeared which ends the trailer on a lighter mood and leaves the audience feeling excited. This is a common technique in many trailers and I think that it is a very effective technique. It also makes sure that audiences watch the trailer until the end, so they don't miss the title of the film.

Much of the editing in this trailer is timed to the epic music in the background. On more than one occasion there are punches and hits in time with the soundtrack, which adds to the dynamism of the trailer and makes it seem ever more intense. This is a technique which we will probably try and include in our trailer as it makes the trailer seem much more exciting. It would also seem very strange without this technique, as the music and the visuals would not match up, leaving it looking thoroughly unprofessional. I particularly like at the end when the letters spelling out 'Sherlock' appear one at a time with short, snappy clips in between. This both makes the title more memorable and also makes the ending much more fast paced than just having a simple title at the end, reflecting the tone of the film. At the end of this short sequence the letters come together in the main title 'Sherlock Holmes' which again makes the title more memorable. The audience would have been following each letter in turn to try and work out what the film's title was, so when it is revealed at the end they don't forget it.

The trailer as a whole appeals mainly to a male dominated audience through the violence and male protagonists. It exploits the need for escapism, as the story offers the chance for people to watch someone else's problems so they can escape from their own. This, however is generic for all films, but what appeals to people are the ways in which the person manages to overcome their problems. The way in which the protagonist in this film escapes their problems is through adventure and fighting, which makes overcoming problems seem exhilarating. People would go and watch this film in order to escape their problems and watch someone overcome their problems in an exciting way.